Painting Description: No 25
Painting Description: No 25
Two opposites are seen: crime and beauty; a civilized dialogue between the ego and superego; and the vision of an artist in the assassination of love... This time, Cupid's arrow hit the symbol of love... the little black one... It’s quite a Shubbarialistic artistic trace that strongly reminds us of Freud admitting that we as human beings are torn between two desires and two needs: either be free or have security; in addition to that repression - of all kinds - is a main engine in processing amazement; and then, modernity and postmodernity along the floating time, the disintegrations of place, and the introductions of the margin on the center have promised human beings two contradictory things at a time: freedom and escape from all forms of repression, and access to safety. This was one of the most impossible and unachievable promises, however the conditions changed with actions that proceed from rejecting the pervasive reality and violating it successfully.