Painting Description: No 7

Painting Description: No 7
“Liquid Love” is recalled in this painting, the love that used to bring an endless excitement, pleasure, and absolute gratification; when sentiments turn into a commodity with an expiry date; and the human being becomes a consumer incapable of resisting temptation.
Just like spinning, life is more complicated than the wishes of the aestheticians having a surreal Dadaist vision. This vision objectively and nominally separates the elements of the drawing and makes a balance through the yarn in the working space; This would objectively and structurally dominate through a central vision, around which all forms and themes of the paintings are created.
Although he sought to avoid repetition, because he simply drives the memory back to the aftermath of humanitarian circumstances and their connection with the factor that reversed its spinning by force. This violation leads to the objective separation among various backgrounds of the artwork in two opposite parts that harmonize the double presence of icons .